Saturday, July 27, 2013

Old "Net Let" to the Strib Still Rings True

I just ran across a "Net Let" I wrote that was published by the Star Tribune on its on-line page that allows people to share their views on line rather than in print.  These posts are hand-picked by the Strib as printable, but they just don't have the room in the print version.

Here is the link to the Net Let I wrote.  Yes, it's old.  It's from 2008.  It's in response to a Commentary piece with which I disagreed vehemently. Yet it is still a relevant commentary about the abortion culture in America.  I guess that is the most sad thing about it:  it's still relevant because nothing has changed.

It would probably be helpful to read the original Commentary article I was responding to.  Here's the link:

After you have read that, you can read my response, which, while called a "Net Let," is really more of a Counterpoint to the original article.  It's included with the other Net Lets, and is under the heading: "Still more facets to the abortion debate"

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