Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Envelope Please

And the award for the two most despicable Americans goes to:

Michael Moore and Don Fowler.

They both had the same stupid idea at the same time, and I'm sure they weren't the only ones. They were, however, the only ones to talk about it in public.

From Michael Moore: “I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven.” (laughs) “To have it planned at the same time – that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for day one of the Republican Convention, up in the Twin Cities – at the top of the Mississippi River.”

This pearl of wisdom was uttered by Moore on MSNBC’s August 29 “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.”

As for former DNC Chair Don Fowler, he was caught on tape giggling about Hurricane Gustav's timing, saying the potential that it could hit New Orleans, "just demonstrates that God's on our side." “It’s gonna hit New Orleans about the time they start,” he repeated. You can watch it on YouTube.

I'll accept this award on their behalves, because I'm sure their acceptance speeches would just contain backtracking and using the popular non-apology "if anyone was offended" by their comments, which they both have actually done since realizing that joking about a national disaster might be considered distasteful by some.

In fact, their comments would probably be considered in poor taste by the grieving loved ones of the 78 human beings who died in Haiti, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic.

Their comments might also be particularly offensive to the thousands of Americans evacuating their homes and businesses with fear in their hearts, uncertain of what they will find when they return home.

To actually think God hates Republicans so much that he would kill innocent people who aren't even Americans, and risk the lives and livelihoods of thousands of Americans who may be Republicans, Democrats, Independents, or have no political affiliation at all--like babies and children--is a sick concept that could only come from the mouths of people who have no understanding of the existential concept of a God.

Moore and Fowler say these things while a fine American like John McCain is urging us to serve a cause greater than ourselves.

They say these things while untold numbers of Americans, some of them from faith-based organizations, are standing at the ready, waiting until they are able to swoop in to help those afflicted by this terrible storm.

I think the best response to at least one of these two idiots was made by Representative Steve Scalise (R. Louisiana): “I demand an immediate apology from Michael Moore to the people of south Louisiana for his offensive and inappropriate comments. People in Louisiana, regardless of political affiliation, are making plans to leave to protect their families from this serious storm, and the God I know would not share Michael Moore’s glee for our plight.”

I like that word, "glee." Moore, Fowler, and their ilk take glee in the suffering of others if it appears to advance their cause.

I have nothing more to say; I'm too sickened.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Barack Who?

I am blown away by McCain's choice of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as his Vice Presidential running mate. The word that comes to my mind when I see her and hear her story is "maverick." I know they use that word to describe McCain, and to me it means he has chosen the perfect running mate.

The Obama camp's knee-jerk statement about Governor Palin this morning was so ill thought out it was laughable. "Today John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heart beat away from the presidency..."

You know how they say people are more likely to recognize faults in others they themselves have but can't admit to? Obama's main weakness is lack of experience, which he lamely tries to shoo away with his, "this campaign has never been about me; it's about you," blather. Then the first thing they say about Palin is to try to make her seem inexperienced (even leaving out the fact that she is the GOVERNOR of Alaska). If they wanted to invite comparisons of Obama's inexperience to Palin's experience, their statement did a great job of doing so. All it has prompted from the talking heads is an onslaught of comments like, "She's has eight years of executive experience to Obama and Biden's none," etc.

As if that weren't bad enough, their comment again highlighted the Obama campaign's distain for small-town America. Way to go, Obama campaign.

My father just called to say he ran into an Obama supporter and struck up a conversation. This man said that he was going to vote for Obama, but after hearing Obama's speech last night, and comparing it to the McCain/Palin speeches today, he is definitely going to vote for McCain. He said he "would have voted for Hillary in a minute, but Obama has done absolutely nothing." All I can say is that I hope there are more voters out there like this gentleman.

Governor Palin has a long history of taking on corruption and changing the way things are done--real things. Conversely, the Obama camp promises a mirage of "change" but can't prove their candidates have ever accomplished it in the way both McCain and Palin actually have.

Who are the candidates for change now?

After last night's acceptance speech by Obama, some of the talking heads I was watching couldn't stop commenting on the incredible fireworks display after the speech, and they were wondering how the Republicans could top it.

Today, John McCain did just that.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Propaganda: misleading publicity; deceptive or distorted information that is systematically spread

The following letter surely meets the definition of propaganda. It was published in the Star Tribune on Saturday, August 23.


Is he in favor of one?

I was disappointed to see that the Star Tribune did not report that John McCain is in favor of reinstating the draft! He told a town meeting this week that he would be willing to do just that when he becomes president. To me, that is news that the public needs to hear about this presidential candidate.

When I saw this I was enraged. When I listen to liberal radio, they are frequently ranting about "corporate media" and how it is biased against Democrats. I don't know what world they are living in, but it's not the same world I occupy. This letter is an example of how liberal bias will allow propaganda to be published in a newspaper on which most people in a large metropolis rely for their news.

To answer the letter writer, the reason almost no legitimate news source reported this is because it wasn't a valid news item. (There is a YouTube video of MSNBC's "coverage" of this "story" that is so incredibly biased it's almost a parody of itself.)

The letter referred to a town meeting in Los Cruces, NM, during which a woman made a statement—at best rambling and at worst incoherent—lasting one minute 30 seconds. The statement touched on several unrelated subjects and ended with a comment on the draft. McCain said he agreed with her and thanked her for supporting veterans. It seemed a polite way of getting her to stop talking so the meeting could move on.

For the letter writer to take this incident and turn it into, “He told a town meeting this week that he would be willing to do just that (reinstate the draft) when he becomes president,” is a gross exaggeration of the facts. McCain said no such thing. That doesn’t seem to matter to the throngs, particularly on the Web, who are racing to put words in McCain’s mouth. Those who use this incident for fear mongering also like to omit that it takes an act of Congress, not a presidential whim, to reinstate a draft.

The hysterical response to this non-story does, however, require a response from the McCain camp, because--to quote a very wise Republican I have the privilege to know--a lie unanswered becomes the truth.

I urge all Republicans not to let lies go unanswered. Write; shout; blog; educate your friends; pass along writings by those who stand up for the truth to everyone you know. Every day propaganda is spoken and written by so-called legitimate news sources. It often goes unanswered.

Republicans, please, do everything you can to keep these lies from becoming the "truth."

Monday, August 18, 2008

Seeing Between the Lines of the Coleman/Franken YouTube Debate

I just finished watching the YouTube debate between Al Franken and Senator Norm Coleman. Senatorial candidates will be answering questions posed by YouTube users, and Franken and Coleman are the first to participate.

My most important observation is that Norm Coleman didn't mention Al Franken even once in any answer he gave to questions ranging from energy policy to increasing voter participation.

On the other hand, Franken mentioned Senator Coleman in every answer he gave. It's like he had a really strange form of Tourette Syndrome, in which he was compelled to say something disparaging about Senator Coleman whenever he spoke. It came across as a little desperate.

Norm spoke about bringing people together to get things done, which to some may seem that he's just reciting his own slogan as an answer to a question. However, the examples he gave about how he is able to work across party lines are effective in pointing out that Norm can work with people from both sides of the isle, while Franken has called those on the other side of the isle "monsters" and worse.

There was another interesting thing about Franken's answers. At the beginning of every answer, he thanked the person who asked the question in a way that reminded me (I'm dating myself here) of the teacher on Romper Room. He talked to the people supplying the questions as if they were preschoolers. Conversely, Norm spoke to the people as if they were intelligent adults.

This reminded me of a comment from a young person I know who told me that she was open to Franken's candidacy early on and decided to look at his web site to find out more. She said she came away from the site feeling he was talking down to her and treating the people who visited the site like children.

That young woman is now a strong supporter of Norm Coleman.

I urge you to watch the "debate" and judge for yourself. Here's the link:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Al Franken's TV Ads: Something's Gotta Change

I've been involuntarily watching Al Franken's latest slew of campaign ads in the last week or so. One thing stood out among the swill: one of his new slogans. He has so many. I think it's a slogan. If it is, it's the weakest one I've ever heard. From anyone. Ever.

It comes at the end of his ad, "Two Images," in which he states, "It's time for Norm to go." Then comes a photo of Al, with his voiceover, which says, "I'm Al Franken. Something's gotta change, and that's why I approve this message."

"Something's gotta change?" This is Al's big idea for not only his Senate campaign, but for what he will do if elected. He is running for the United States Senate. What would it be like if people in other occupations used this mantra?

You invite a decorator to your house to decorate your living room. You don't know him personally, but your friends say he's great. He walks in, studies the room for a few minutes, and then says, "Something's gotta change." That's it. Period. He has no other ideas, just that he doesn't like your current living room and he thinks it needs to be changed. Would you hire him?

You've fallen and injured your knee. The pain is so intense that it's driving all other thoughts from your brain. You're desperate for help. You see a doctor who was recommended by friends. He looks at your knee, which is clearly in need of serious help, and says, "Something's gotta change." You want to punch him in the face.

I could go on, but you get the drift. "Something's gotta change" is just a random thought, not an idea, or a plan, or a proposal. Why in the world would anyone hire Al Franken for the job of United States Senator from the State of Minnesota based on something this weak?

I believe that how one runs his campaign is indicative of how one will run his business. Franken's campaign has shown its utter ineptitude by not checking into its own candidate's business records, past pornographic writings, etc. Now, they've paid good money for air time so that Al could share this gem of a slogan with all Minnesotans.

If this is all the Franken campaign is capable of, then something's gotta change.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Gift from the Star Tribune

Here's a link to a fun article entitled, "Candidate with Character" that ran in the Star Tribune on Friday, August 8. The more Al "The Joker" Franken can be associated with silly, ridiculous, over-the-top, tasteless, or in this case, crazy characters, the better. Move over Stuart Smalley. Make room for The Joker.

Monday, August 4, 2008

I thought I was watching Saturday Night Live

I was at the doctor the other day. While sitting in the lobby, I noticed I had my orange "Norm '08" button on my purse. The thought to remove it crossed my mind, as I had no idea of the political affiliation of the doctor I was about to see, and she might be performing minor surgery on me any minute. What if she sees it and hates me? She has a scalpel.

I didn't remove the button. I don't know if it was so much that I decided not to, or that my name was quickly called for my appointment.

After the procedure, as the doctor was walking out, she said, "Oh, I didn't see your purse before. I see your button." She then turned, winked, and said, "You have a lot of friends in this office. I love Norm." Then she added, "I just saw my first Al Franken commercial this morning, and I couldn't shake the feeling that whenever he was on screen, I was watching an old Saturday Night Live rerun." She smiled, gave me a thumbs up, and left.

I loved it. An old Saturday Night Live rerun. I thought about it a lot as I left the office. Isn't that, in fact, what we're doing, watching a prolonged Saturday Night Live skit with Al Franken playing the role of the "serious" senator?

And just to cement the idea, the Franken campaign came up with a bad SNL-esque move today on the Capitol steps. They hired a President George Bush impersonator to say disparaging things about Norm Coleman. I have to say that whenever I think of seriousness, class, decorum, and all the qualities a senator should possess (but that Al Franken wants you to think he possesses but doesn't) I think of a bad Bush impersonator making a spectacle at, of all places, our State Capitol.

Good move, Al. I think my doctor is right. She, and the rest of us, are being subjected to a bad SNL skit posing as a campaign. I just hope enough Minnesotans realize it and turn the channel.